Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hey there party people. I'm blogging. Are you shocked?
I'm just trying to get my creative juices flowing again... so have ten random facts about me that no one cares about. Yaaaay.
(Also, the title of this post maybe one of my favorite puns I've ever come up with. Ever. Including Academia Nut.)

1. I obviously like the Beatles, but have I mentioned that I mostly like-1964 Beatles? After Sergeant Pepper's they just get a smidgen weird for me. The early stuff is so polished and Chuck Berry-ish. I dig it.

2. I am FINALLY on Pottermore (if you don't know what that is, you're not as big a nerd as I am), and have been sorted into Hufflepuff. I was sure I was a Ravenclaw, but alas, no. My wand is hornbeam and phoenix feather, 10 and three quarters inches, slightly springy. :)

3. Since my early childhood I have had objections to certain numbers simply because I think they're "mean numbers." I never thought six was very nice. Why? No clue.

4. In one of my notebooks I have a list of every book I've read in a year since 2006. The steady decline the older I get makes me sad. (Again, why do I have a list? I don't know.)

5. At this very moment my fingernails are orange and my toes are alternating shades of blue.

6. So the other day I was at the (very hilarious) school Improv show and they played this game in which a bachelor has to guess the bizarre personalities of three bachelorettes. One girl was Superwoman and made a pun about Marvel. I was internally bothered because Superman and his compatriots are most definitely DC.
And then I felt super nerdy.

7. I collect Disney pins. My collection currently consists of a Little Mermaid California Adventure pin, a key from the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, a glow in the dark Haunted Mansion pin, a Pirates of the Caribbean wheel (it opens and there's a skeleton pirate inside), Peter Pan, a Fantasmic dragon, Tinkerbell flying over the castle, a mechanical-looking Mickey Mouse, and a Grape Soda pin (like from Up). I like my pins.

8. I'm seriously considering chopping my hair off above my shoulders after graduation.

9. In creative writing last semester I wrote a short story about a kid who stops time when he sneezes. I don't think I'll post it here, 'cause that would scream, "Free short story! Take me!" but if you know me personally and want to read it I will show it to you. It's a cute story.

10. I realized the other day that I'm a conglomerate nerd. I'm hardcore nerdy about a few things (see 2 above), but for the most part I dabble in nerddom. I like Star Wars, but I can't tell you the names of all the ships, and I like Lord of the Rings, but I can't speak Elvish, etc. etc.

Congratulations. You wasted ten minutes reading this. Return to your normal routine.

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