Saturday, October 9, 2010

My week in lists. Because I like lists.

Four cool God-related thoughts:
1. God imagined the imagination. I can't even get my mind around that.
2. Satan doesn't know anything I don't reveal to him! (Courtesy of this article by my preacher... thanks Mr. Neal!)
3. Is a talent called a gift because it's been given to us... or because we're supposed to give of it to serve others? (result of looking at Romans 12 at Wednesday Night Bible Class)
4. Jacob and Joseph both died in Egypt and were embalmed (Gen. 50:2-3)... does that mean they were mummified? And their mummies are buried somewhere? Not that we'd ever know it was them if we were to find their mummies, but it's a neat thought. (Courtesy of my bestest Aimee.)

Eight things on my mind:
1. My prayer life needs work. Prayers please. However, my daily Bible reading is going awesome... I haven't missed a day in three weeks (which is really good for me... I needed to get in the habit). Aimee, Holly, and I are going through the whole Bible in a year. We started Exodus a couple days ago.
2. Funny the things that can come and go in less than a year.
3. SCHOOL... It's eating my life... Two AP classes is starting to sound like a really stupid idea. I've got all A's though... I guess that's the fruit of my extreme stress and labor.
4. Less than two weeks until opening night! I'm the assistant producer of The Importance of Being Earnest (which is a fantastic play, by the way)... if you want to come see it get in touch with me! But if I don't actually know you and you just read this 'cause you're a creeper... I don't want you to come. No offense.
5. I want my eight cookies. Harrumph.
6. I don't have any idea when I'm going to go get my permit... I could have had it ages and ages ago, but I just haven't ever gone to get it. At this point I'm not gonna have my license 'til I'm thirty. (My mom keeps going, "I didn't get my license 'til I was 18"... that doesn't help, Mom.)
7. I miss Kamp Koinonia. Badly. There's a little hole in my heart when I'm not there.
8. The future... and the fact that I have no earthly clue what's coming my way. Lord, I'm glad You've got a plan... 'cause I don't. At all. About anything. Haha.

Five things I did this week:
1. Stayed after school for play practice two hours every day... and is proud of the casts' progress. Even Cast B. Who still need to learn their lines. :)
2. Finished fifty notecards for my term paper on Frederick Douglass... phew.
3. Bought three Avett Brothers CDs (sorry, Holly... haha.)
4. Finished rereading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
5. Practiced making paper cranes for my demonstration speech on Thursday.
And yeah, I did a lot more than that, but not much of the rest was all that interesting.

Seven songs I'm currently addicted to (in no particular order. They're all Avett Brothers... I'm on a kick):
1. Living of Love
2. Pretty Girl at the Airport
3. Die Die Die
4. Paranoia in B Major
5. Day that Marvin Gaye Died
6. I Would Be Sad
7. Swept Away (Sentimental Version)
Plus all of I and Love and You... yeah just all of that.

Three things I learned in Latin class:
1. There is an American Mustache Institute. And it protects against discrimination toward mustached people and promotes awareness of the proper care of a mustache. Yes.
2. There's a guitarist who has no arms and plays the guitar with his feet.
3. You can levitate a frog between two big electromagnets.
DISCLAIMER: I do actually learn things in Latin. But those things wouldn't be very interesting to you, dear blog reader. :)

Five quotes I found this week:
1. "One person's craziness is another's reality." -Tim Burton
2. "There is nothing more unnerving to the truly conventional than the unashamed misfit." -J. K. Rowling
3. "Fantasy is a necessary ingredient for living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of the telescope." -Dr. Seuss
4. "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde
5. "Yes, I am a dreamer; for a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world." -Oscar Wilde

Thanks for wasting a few minutes of your time reading this. Haha. :)



  1. :o) thanks for the smile, sweet girl!

  2. Ooo love that dreamer quote. I also like that you don't have your life planned. I'm sure it's unnerving to some degree, but that sure makes it easier for God to work!
