"It's time for everyone, I repeat, everyone, to disembark... Any stowaways will be sent to Small World and be forced to ride the ride for the rest of the day." -Cast member on the Columbia
The Davy Crockett canoe dude was hilarious.
"Rule 1: Never stop rowing. Because if you don't row... we don't go. Rule 2: Never stop paddling. Because if you don't paddle... we don't skedaddle."
"Please try to keep the dirty green water in the dirty green river."
He splashed the people coming around the bend on Splash Mountain: "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't ride that ride with your mouth open."
"We are now passing the Disneyland petting zoo. We taught them a little trick I bet they'll show you all..." *Waves at the people on the shore*... "See, they wave right back."
"If you enjoyed this trip, I'm Brian and this is John David and these are the Davy Crockett Canoes. If you didn't enjoy it, that's alright too, I'm Darth Vader, this is Luke Skywalker, and this is Star Tours: The Adventure Continues."
Pocahontas asked where we came from so I told her and mentioned that we drove.
"All that way just to come to see us at Disneyland? I could ask to borrow a magic carpet for your way home. I'll ask Jasmine, she has tons of them."
Brother walked up: "Are you the brother or the prince?"
I was in line to meet Cinderella and this little girl with her face painted like a cat went up. As she was leaving Cinderella goes, "Make sure you don't eat any mice! Because one of them might be mine!"
As I went up to meet Cinderella, my brother mysteriously disappeared (he didn't want to meet princesses).
Fairy Godmother: "Are we missing someone?"
Me: "Yeah, we apparently lost my brother."
Cinderella: "You lost your brother? Is he a Lost Boy?"
Fairy Godmother: "What's his name?"
We told her.
Fairy Godmother: "What is he wearing?"
We told her.
She walks off shouting my brother's name. I think she would have looked all over Fantasyland for him... he was just hiding in the doorway though. They made him pose for the picture. :)
"I love your treasure! Did you tinker it yourself?" -Iridessa the fairy commenting on my friendship necklace
When I went up to meet Tinker Bell, Vidia was there with her. (If you haven't seen the Tinker Bell movies... I understand. But Vidia's the mean bratty fairy.) They bantered back and forth and when we all went up for the picture Vidia muttered to my dad, "Is there anybody else in your family? I need to get further away from Tinker Bell." Just before the picture went off, she said, "Watch the wings." Teeheehee!
And I have a delightful picture that I shall post as soon as I get away from this terrible unresponsive hotel internet connection.

See? Isn't he awesome? Look at him, his tongue's sticking out 'cause he's concentrating too hard.
Peter Pan is perfect. He's exactly how he should be. Whenever you see him in Fantasyland he's always jumping up on railings and walking on them or swinging around a lightpole or just generally acting like all of Disneyland is his own personal playground. Because it is. It's wonderful.
Here's the conversation I overheard the other day when I was too chicken to push up and ask for his autograph:
Random Girl #1: (points at friend) "It's her birthday."
Peter: "So that means she's growing up?"
***awkward silence***
Random Girl #2: "Yeah...."
Peter: "Why would you want to grow up?"
Random Girl #2: "Well there are a lot of things you can't do when you're a kid."
Peter: "Nuh uh."
Girl: "Yuh huh."
Peter: "Nuh uh. Name one thing a grownup can do that I can't."
Girl: "Um... drive a car."
Peter: "HA! Autopia. What next?"
BUT ANYWAYS... Yesterday I finally caught him and asked for his autograph.
Me: "I've been looking for you FOREVER."
Peter: "Forever? That's a really long time. Did you look in the trees? Sometimes I hide in the trees."
All this time we're walking over to this group of rocks by the castle where he hangs out. He finished signing my book and goes "Here's your pen back" and goes to hand it to me. But he kept moving it so I couldn't get it. Such an ornery little boy.
Me: "Can I get a picture?"
Peter: "Sure. But not on my rock this one's mine I was here first."
So Dad goes to take the picture and every time he focuses Peter looks the other direction like he's zoning out. Then he says, "What? Oh yeah" and looks. This happened about three times. The shot was weird so Dad says, "Can she share your rock?" And Peter takes a minute and looks all thoughtful then finally decides, "No, that one's my rock. I was there first. But I can share hers."
I did get my picture. I love him.
Ariel: "Who has the other half of your necklace?" (my friendship one)
I told her.
Ariel: "Oh how wonderful! Flounder is my best friend. I wonder if he could wear a necklace..."
Tigger doesn't talk, you know, but in between visitors he was skipping around his little area because he can't sit still to save his life.
The other incredible thing I HAVE to mention is the excitement and warmth of everyone who works in this place. Everyone smiles. Everyone goes above and beyond. We were walking back to our hotel last night and we mentioned Tower of Terror, and a bellhop for the attraction walking next to us perked up. She stood there and talked to us for the better part of half an hour telling us little secrets of the ride and where the Hidden Mickeys are and what the bellhops do after hours. It was close to eleven o'clock at night and she took the time to make our day, even though she was off duty.
The rides are beyond cool... but the people really make Disneyland magical.
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