Saturday, July 23, 2011

You know you've been to Kamp Koinonia if...

- The word "Hummingbird" makes you think of fright rather than a small winged creature.
- You can play "Clocks" and "Heart and Soul" on the piano but you can't play anything else.
-You've been in heated speculative discussions about what the Jewel Hunt theme will be.
-You've wondered how they're planning on using chopsticks in the Jewel Hunt.
-You know who the most beautiful man in the room is.
-You sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" a little bit different than everybody else you know.
-You've heard legends about both the Korean Mafia and the nearby "insane asylum."
-You've been dared to touch the door of the Bear Cabin.
-You know that if you ever go spelunking, the answer is NOT to tie yourself to your spelunking buddy.
-You've ever found it ironic that you take a long hike to Devil's Head at church Kamp.
-You have been marked wrong on one of those "What I Did This Summer" papers for spelling Kamp with a K.
-You find yourself laughing really hard at puns that normal people probably wouldn't find that funny.
-You've heard stories that make your cresh fleep and give you poosegimples.
-You've felt a little bit guilty about holding hands with someone of the opposite sex during a prayer... because you don't have a stick...
-You hope someday you'll meet a man who'll be willing to carry your purse.
-You've cheered at the top of your lungs for a little girl playing "Hot Cross Buns" on the piano.
-You know that no matter how many horrible tragedies befall her, the cat will come back.
-You know the difference between Bret and Bre-tuh-tuh.
-Tornado warnings make you want to sing a certain song.
-The phrase "Byron Clause" fills your heart with terror and foreboding.
-You've literally been sentenced to water torture.
-You've eaten wild raspberries despite being warned that they could possibly kill you.
-You were a little bummed when the lodge remodeled because even though those orange and purple chairs were heinously tacky, they were COMFY.
-If you're a girl, you've been terrified to use the other bathroom even though the sign says it's a girl's right now.
-You've started about a million lanyards and finished none of them.
-You've heard the same orientation jokes for eight years and you still laugh at them. Every. Single. Year.
-You've sat in the same spot for Quiet Time every year for as long as you can remember.
-You know exactly what a napkin check is.
-When people start cheering during a meal you just kinda go with it. Even though you have full knowledge that there's probably no point to it whatsoever.
-You have a VEHEMENT opinion when it comes to which color is better, green or blue.
-It took you a few years of coming to realize that Bret and Julie are brother and sister.
-You know that if you read Scripture in Tom Walker's class, he WILL interrupt you.
-You've been beaten, tortured, chased by a motorcycle, and sprayed with ketchup all in the same night.
-You've walked into the parlor to find at least three people sound asleep. And it's only Tuesday.
-You started shaving your legs immediately after winning the "girl with the hairiest legs" point in Scavenger Hunt.
-You want to be Bret Carter/ Julie Oehlert when you grow up.
-You've randomly started singing devo songs with several other people outside assembly or campfire.
-You owe some of your closest friends in the world to your years at Kamp.
-You have a box of caregrams that you read when you need a little extra encouragement.
-You've been astounded at the eagerness of a boy younger than twelve to lead a prayer or a song, or at the intelligence and relevance of a younger kid during Man to Man/ Woman to Woman.
-You have actually seen chivalry and have faith in its ability to stay alive even in the present world.
-Words people have said to you at the campfire Thursday or Friday have stayed with you for years.
-You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christians can have real fun-- in fact, more fun than the rest of the world.
-You've cried over an Underground Church cop and the fact that you couldn't convert them... only to start crying harder, because you realize that in real life you don't care about REAL lost souls half that much.
-A class/assembly has brought you to tears with its relevance to your life.
-You've tasted a little slice of Heaven.

Kamp Koinonia 2011-- Thank you for teaching me how to better fight the good fight! I love you all and you encourage me more than you will ever know this side of Heaven. Somehow we always manage to keep the perfect balance of total silliness and deep spirituality and it always results in the next best week of my life. Stay strong in the Lord. Tan Kalon Agona.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those are soooo relatable, especially the one about scripture reading in Tom's class😂
