Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Isn't that a great word? Smorgasbord. I'm pretty sure the goose in the old cartoon Charlotte's Web sang a song about a smorgasbord. This post is going to be an informational smorgasbord, a word which here means, "Melissa is going to tell you a bunch of random things about her life the last month she hasn't blogged."

Well, I graduated from high school. You would think that would be a blogworthy thing, but no matter how long I sat here thinking of something to say, I couldn't come up with anything profound to say. It was all very simple: I wore the robe and cap, I walked across the stage, I took my diploma, I turned my tassel. In the course of a mere two hours, the world changed its 18-year-deep opinion of me and decided to consider me an adult. No revelations about the rest of my life, no nothing. It just happened. My world expanded, but I remained exactly the same. I don't really know what else to say about it. Maybe the full significance will hit me later.

The last day of school seemed far more significant than graduation itself. Where graduation is stiff and formal, the last day contained a full spectrum of maturity, from farewell tears to a shaving cream fight. I've already given my sap to the people who needed to hear it, so I'll just say this: D'Evelyn did so much in making me who I am, and I'll forever be grateful for God's awesome plan in getting me there.

Alright, enough deep sappy stuff. Back to my usual overly peppy banter.

Guys, guys, guys. I started watching Doctor Who.
I'm not going to lie, I came in biased. Way too many people had told me how much I would love it before I started watching it, so I figured I would. They were happily correct. I've only finished season one, because I have to get them from the library, because I'm the last person on the planet without Netflix, but yeah. I started watching Doctor Who. And Christopher Eccleston's Doctor is fantastic, by the way.

And they sell sonic screwdrivers at Tradesmart and I want one.

Hey, it's raining! I like rain.

Have I mentioned Disneyland here? Somehow I don't think I have. Blogging has been so spotty. I'm going to Disneyland again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So excited. I'm sure I'll blog again. I'm planning on keeping a video diary of the entire trip, but I also said that last year and it didn't happen, so we'll see. I'm beyond excited. Cross your fingers that it's not too crowded for us!

I despise and loathe the weirdness of the spacing, by the way. Blogger has done weird things with my layout and I can't stand it. Facebook changes enough, Blogger!!! Why must you change too?? Harrumph. 

But anyway, I reread Peter Pan this week. I hadn't read it since I was a little kid, and while I've always loved the story,  I didn't realize what a masterpiece of literature it is. There's Biblical allusions and satire and deep symbolism and yeah. I geeked out just a bit. Also, did you know that J. M. Barrie started writing it shortly after the Wright brothers flew their plane? What a time to write about a kid who can fly...

I'm speaking at a girl's rally in September and I found out not too long ago that my topic is ESTHER! It's one of my favorite books of the Bible, so I'm super excited. Did you know that Mordecai is mentioned more times in Esther than Esther is? I find that fascinating. The book ends with Mordecai too-- the last three verses are telling you what happened to him in the end. I'm honestly beginning to think the inspired focus of the book was Mordecai, and then someone just called it Esther.

And finally, in commemoration of the first time the Beatles recorded at Abbey Road Studios fifty years ago today, Eight Days a Week.

(This is one of the songs they recorded.)

So, dear Readers, there's your random update on my life. I'm leaving out everything from the comedic pangs of young love to the Avengers, but there simply isn't time or will power for all that at the moment. You're excellently patient Readers. Return to your normal activities.

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