Monday, August 30, 2010

"Forgotten"- An Original Flash Fiction

"I apologize for the long letter... I didn't have time to write a short one." -Thomas Jefferson
I wrote this a while back and thought I'd share. I took a Creative Writing class (probably my favorite class EVER) and we learned about flash fiction-- a story in 99 words or less. This is one of my favorite forms to write, because it's a challenge. As the quote above suggests, it's massively harder to write something very short than it is to write something very long. Anyways, here it is. I call it "Forgotten." Criticism welcome. :)

The man stood waiting for the train. He hated the gray London weather.
A flicker of light flitted into his line of vision. He looked up at the overcast sky. How did sunlight peak through on a day like this? All at once memories rocketed into his mind. Memories of a place where the sun always shone. Memories of flying. Memories of magic.
Childish nonsense, he thought. It's only a piece of dust. He brushed the bright speck out of his sight.
Tinkerbell fluttered away, mourning the loss of her best friend.

1 comment:

  1. Doh!! I totally cried! A 90 word story and I cried! Okay, maybe not streaming down my face, but still!! Good one! Post more!
