After all the years of hearing Phantom songs around the piano at Kamp, I finally watched it for the first time tonight. WOW. That's all I have to say. Wow. I have to blog about this movie. I'm not entirely sure what to say, but I have to blog about it. I think I shall review it. Yes. I shall. (If you actually care that much about what happens... you shouldn't read this. Because I don't want to spoil it for you.)
So... here's what it's basically about. Ever since her father died, the beautiful performer Christine has believed that an "Angel of Music" has been watching over her and guiding her through the world of 19th century Parisian opera. Little did she know that this Angel who has inspired her is actually a mysterious, misunderstood man who lives in the crypts beneath the opera house. The Phantom takes his opportunity to whisk Christine away to his world of night, and will stop at nothing, even murder, to convince Christine to be his eternal bride. Torn between the mysterious genius and her childhood love Raoul, Christine must choose whether she will follow her heart... or the music.
The plot... Oh wow, the plot. It was wonderful. More importantly, the characters were amazing. The Phantom was one of the most complex heroic villains I think there's ever been. One minute he's all set to strangle Raoul and the next I'm crying because Christine wouldn't stay with him. He's brilliantly misunderstood. And misunderstood characters are the best characters. Seriously, someone should do a psyche on him. Once his insanity's cured I'll take him, messed up face and all. And he sings! :)
My biweekly rant: The Phantom DID Love Christine. My evidence:
-He WAS her angel. Granted he was kinda a demented creepy stalker angel, but ever since she came to the opera house he was there for her. She just... didn't really know he wasn't a figment of her imagination. He was kinda her best friend when she was all alone. It's sweet. In a creepy way.
-He honestly did want what was best for her. He was trying to help her get the lead the whole time. Because he loved her. :)
-He could have killed Raoul on the rooftop, but he didn't. Because he loved her. :)
-He let her go in the end. She was at the point she would have stayed with him, but he let her go. Because he loved her. :)
-The rose on her grave. Oh. Oh how broken my poor little heart was.
Not that it's okay that he killed people, but I think he did love her. That's my rant.
And Christine totally loved him back! She wouldn't let Raoul kill him, and she was going to stay with him, and you could just tell from the look on her face that she loved him. She did. But no. She married Raoul. Boo.
And of course, the music. It was beautiful. If somebody sang "That's All I Ask of You" to me, I'd marry them on the spot. Haha. Just kidding, probably not. But it's a great song. It just about broke my heart in the reprise when the Phantom sang it instead of Raoul. Of course, the iconic Phantom theme just kinda freaks you out in an amazing way, and in general it all just makes you want to sing. Loudly. In higher registers than you're probably capable of.
Yeah. That's about it. Like I said, it was just one of those "I have to blog about this thing."
What can I say? I'm a Phan.
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