Monday, November 1, 2010

Yet another long, obnoxious, relatively pointless post...

Another week (Monday to Monday) in lists. Because I enjoy lists. And I've done a few interesting things this week.

Some interesting God thoughts:
1. Okay, so God made the stars on Day 4, right? But stars are billions of lightyears away, meaning it takes millions of years for the light to get where we can see it. So God made the light from the stars retrospective so Adam and Eve would be able to see them right when He made them. Whoa!
2. Leviticus 24:16-- "Moreover, the one who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall surely stone him. The alien as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death." Wow. How seriously do we take God's name today? Certainly not THAT seriously, and not as seriously as we should. Interesting thought.
3. New addition to my favorite verses: "Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue and honor him. With a long life I will satisfy him, and let him see My salvation." -Psalm 91:14-16. I just love that. God gives us so much reassurance when we're His.

Fun stuff:
1. On Tuesday we had the first meeting of the NEHS (National English Honors Society) book club, which I happen to be in charge of. There's only about six of us, but I'm excited none the less. I think it'll be a lot better if we have a few people who are actually gonna read the book rather than a bunch who aren't. We're reading The Kite Runner. Maybe more later if I see fit to review it when we're done.
2. Monday night I began my study of James... my Bible looks like a rainbow threw up in it. A wonderful rainbow of knowledge. :) I'm loving the Greek word for "do" and all the different ways its used. It literally means "to make happen" and is translated a bunch of different ways in the NASB. It's really cool.
3. Bear Valley cowboy party-- yummy food and good fellowship. Does it get any better?
4. After much panic and indecision, I finally found a halloween costume. I was a red electric guitar. Yes. Yes indeed. I would post pictures, but I only got two and they're both on my phone. When I finally get them to my computer I'll update this. Maybe. If I think of it.
5. In my lovely Halloween costume, I went to a party at my friend Jenna's house. We went on a scavenger hunt in the neighborhood (the knocking on doors and asking people for stuff kind of scavenger stuff... people were surprisingly nice about it considering we were running around in our costumes a night early). Then, in true nerd fashion, we had a Poe reading at about 10 at night in the park behind her house. Our punky, shaggy-haired, death-metal loving friend Cameron knew "Annabel Lee" by heart and kept correcting Alex while she read it. Hahaha.... I love my school!
6. Recent obsession-- The Twilight Zone. Yes. (If you think I'm talking about sparkly vampires, get off my blog. Now. Goodbye. You are not worthy.) I love the just slightly creepiness of it. It's not scary, but it kinda runs shivers down your spine just a little bit. I love the twists. The twists are the best part. Anyways, I've Tivo season passed it on two different channels. My favorite episode of the week (maybe of all time?) is "The Obsolete Man"... look it up! It's a social commentary (very 1984-esque) and it's incredibly powerful. Seriously. Go find it and watch it.
7. Wrote a poem for Come Fill Your Cup... it oughta be up in a few days. I'll post a link on facebook.
8. New edition of Katharos NOW (a Christian girls' e-zine I write for) went up... go check it out! The theme this month is "Costumes" and I've got an article up. :)
9. I discovered the Owl City blog... Oh Adam Young. How I love you. The boy can WRITE. And he posts poems and song lyrics like me. I'm feelin' a kindred spirit. Except for that... he's famous... and I'm not... oh well. I'll go buy his t-shirt instead. :)
10. Watched maybe my favorite holiday special OF ALL TIME.... "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" It's either that or "A Charlie Brown Christmas". I just love Linus... "Never jump into a pile of leaves with a wet sucker!" Every year I'm devastated that (1) Lucy still won't let poor little Charlie Brown kick the football and (2) The Great Pumpkin doesn't come!! What? I'm always convinced some year he'll actually show up... he never does. Sigh.
10. I had a bunch of fun trick-or-treating (after evening church service, of course... God's more important!) with my bestest friends. (And yes, I still trick-or-treat. You are NEVER too old for free candy. NEVER.)
11. Today was the first meeting of the NEHS writing group... how I love writing. Jenna taught us how to write love poems that don't make people want to puke. I cranked out a couple good ones. I will not, however, be posting them here. I don't think. Maybe. Less personal things might show up here in the future as a result of these workshops though! I'm lovin' it.
12. I received a late birthday present from my aunt, uncle, and cousins... $30 in iTunes money. As music is slowly becoming a synonym for sanity, this made me QUITE happy. Which leads me to....

CDs bought (in order of preference):
1. Churchill- EP
2. Meese- Broadcast
3. Taylor Swift- Speak Now
I may write reviews if I get around to it. Yay for music.

My political rant for the week (since you're already here):
In the United States of America, any one who harms a bald eagle EGG can be sentenced to jail for up to a year and be forced to pay a $100,000 dollar fine (see this article). An EGG. An unborn baby eagle. However, a girl my age can go to an abortion clinic and be assured that it is absolutely fine to kill her child. Without even notifying her parents. Girls under 18 need parental consent to get their ears pierced, but not to MURDER an unborn baby. What kind of sick society do we live in? There's a commercial against Ken Buck going around of a woman saying, "We need a Senator who will stand with us whether we're in high heels or cowboy boots." Yeah, lady? Who's standing with the babies, huh? It honestly makes me nauseous.
Amendment 62 will give every single person in the state of Colorado the right to life, from the moment of conception. If you can vote, vote Yes on 62. Let's give those babies a chance at living.

Well... that's all I got for now. Thanks for wasting your time on random tidbits of my life. :)


1 comment:

  1. Melissa! The Kite Runner is phenomenal!!! I loved that book! And Meese is a great band! Just thought I'd let ya know :)
