Monday, October 17, 2011

Would You Be Likin' A Tissue?

Over the past five weeks I made a new best friend. Her name is Mary McGregor. She's in her late 50s/early 60s and she owns a Chinese restaurant with her lovely sister Molly. Oh yeah, and she's Irish. She immigrated during the Great Mushu Famine of 1907.

But on Saturday night I had to hang her back up on the costume rack for good.

I'm seeing a common theme in senior year: endings. It seems obvious now that I think about it, but until it started happening I hadn't really realized that this is the year where everything ends. The first great ending was the end of Fall Play.

I don't really know how to explain how I feel about Fall Play. Theatre itself is just a wonderful experience. It's just pretend for grownups. If I'm having a bad day, bummer. You know what? My character doesn't have to be having a bad day. I can peel myself off like a wet bathing suit and slip into something more comfortable.

I'm not that much of a social person at school. (I know. You're stunned.) Most of the time I'm not in my niche. I don't know how to deal with people, but I get to play practice and all bets are off. I'm louder. I'm prouder. I refuse to shut up. I'm me. It's painfully, dreadfully cliche, but I belong there. I love those people.

But now it's over. I have to say goodbye to Mary McGregor. I have to say goodbye to the Orient Express. I have to say goodbye to my complexion-ruining stage makeup and my toe-numbing character shoes and washing gray out of my hair every night. I have to say goodbye to Mr. Murphy yelling at us. I have to say goodbye to the lovely Ms. Murphy, who might actually be retiring for real now. I have to say goodbye to this year's Fall Show... but this is the end of Fall Shows for me, at least in high school.

This is turning into an insipidly sappy post... I don't really even know what I'm trying to get at. I just had to write about Fall Play. It felt wrong not to.

There are lots of beginnings coming, though. I have Musical coming soon and very soon. I have several adventures yet to come. But Fall Show gets me. Right in the heart. With chopsticks!


1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy reading your blog to learn your perspective of life and the insights you share.

    This post made me think back to my senior years, high school and college. Though true that your senior year marks many endings, its conclusion will likewise initiate numerous beginnings, some of which are even more life-changing. While you may look back fondly on the days you leave behind, it is often the excitement of what the future brings that makes life that much more interesting and enjoyable. Thus, I'd have to say, "Collige virgo rosas." (Besides, there is always Facebook for keeping in touch with the people from our past. :P )
