Friday, October 28, 2011

"Yamamamamoo Gazornonplat."

My physics teacher used to say that last year in reference to when something sounded like gibberish. I haven't blogged in a week and I have a million things on my mind. This post is mainly going to be ranting, rambling gibberish. You've been warned.

In the new and noteworthy section, I got my first college acceptance letter today, from my first choice, no less. I should probably be really excited but mainly I'm just relieved that I will indeed get to go to college. I've been terrified there'd be this horrible glitch and I just wouldn't get accepted anywhere.

Had my convictions slammed inadvertently yesterday. That was awesome. I don't even remember how the conversation started but a bunch of us at lunch were talking about "The Secret Life of the American Teenager," and I made the comment that it's ironic that that's on ABC Family. Considering it's NOT AT ALL A FAMILY SHOW. I'm not showing that to my five year old. So this guy came back with "Well that's just because your ideas of what's appropriate and what's not are ridiculous." I don't think he probably meant it the way it came out, but still. "Weird" I would have accepted. If you don't have my convictions I'm sure the stuff I am and am not okay with is incredibly weird to you. But "ridiculous" adds this whole negative connotation to it that stung. Alright. I'm done having my pity party.

Term paper... English essay... history essay... read Tale of Two Cities... scholarship applications...why am I blogging right now? I don't know. Anyways.

It's almost Halloween! Yay! I'm going to a party tomorrow night and I still don't have my costume finished!... Awesome. (I'm being Peter Pan. I know, you're shocked. Not at all.) My brother is being Captain America and he made his shield out of duct tape and cardboard. Because he's AWESOME. (On a completely unrelated note, I watched Captain America last night and it was fantastic. I mean, I'd seen it before, but it's really good.) I also have not yet watched Great Pumpkin (which I MUST DO), nor have I carved a pumpkin. Two functional days people. I better get crackin'.

You know what's obnoxious? BOYS.

Four days from today starts National Novel Writing Month. I have no ideas for a plotline. Awesome! (Notice how I keep using that word sarcastically? Except talking about my bro-ha. He actually is awesome.)

So. On Monday we went to my friend Rachel's house for dinner. Long story short Rachel and her dad and her grandma, along with our friends Sheryl, Kathy, and Dale went on a mission trip to Cambodia, and they came back last week so they had a mini party to celebrate their return. When we all get together, we sing. And it's BEAUTIFUL. So I'm sitting in this circle of these people I love more than anything in the world, who I would do anything for, and I know they'd do anything for me, and we're all singing to God, and I'm like, "WOW. I know so many people that don't have this." And it broke my heart. I think if people could really understand what it meant to be in the church, nobody wouldn't be. It's just too good to pass up. People who don't have God have been on my mind a lot lately. How do you help somebody who doesn't think they need help? Ugh. Pray for me.

I really don't have a clever way to end this post. Thanks for letting me spew my random thoughts at you. Or skimming. Or stopping reading all together, as the case may be. Of course if you didn't read the whole post, you're not reading this so...

Wow. I am in rare form today.

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