Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm So Vain, I Probably Think This Post Is About Me

And since I'm vain and uninspired I'm going to talk about myself. Ten random facts!

1. I walk abnormally fast. I think this is a result of my school trip to Washington, D.C. in eighth grade, when we had to walk nearly everywhere we went in fairly hasty fashion. Now I get caught behind people that walk normal speed in the hallway and find it quite obnoxious.

2. As a small child I didn't know to say "aren't I?" as in "Aren't I cute?" Instead I said "Amn't I?" In hindsight I realize that this makes way more sense than aren't I. You don't say "are I not," you say "am I not." WHY ISN'T IT AMN'T?!?!?!?!

3. I am a smidgen bit OCD but only about things that don't matter at all. My room looks like a tornado came through it but I alphabetized every DVD we own. Why? I don't know.

4. I may be the only person on the planet who still uses the Flair feature on Facebook. Those are organized too. See the last point.

5. I have this notebook of all my accomplishments in high school. Nerdy? Yes. I don't really care. It has everything from play programs to Murphy term papers to awards in it. I definitely wrote a poem about it and I might post it here sometime. But probably not.

6. I realized the other day that with the exception of Harry Potter, I am totally a book hipster. The realization made me a little bit ashamed.

7. I like Hot Topic. The store. People are always shocked to discover that. Haha. It's really not that scary in there, but they have cool nerdy stuff!

8. I have this horrible habit of starting things and never finishing them. I start stories and don't finish them (coughcoughcoughNANOWRIMOcoughcoughcough), I tell myself I'm gonna learn some skill and I never do... yeah. It's bad. So consequently one of my greatest fears is that I'll get to the end of my life and discover I didn't actually accomplish anything worthwhile. Need to learn me some Ecclesiastes 7:8.

9. I cried at age nine when my best friend told me Peter Pan wasn't real. Now I know she was wrong, of course, but it was a traumatic experience at the time. :)

10. I'm a beast at MarioKart Wii. I'm always Princess Peach on the Mach Bike.

Yay. Now you know a bunch of useless facts about me. Congratulations.

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