1. The Wizard is a dirty rotten crook. He shows up in Oz by accident and totally uses the fact that the poor ignorant little Ozites believe he's magic to take over the whole country! And then he lies to everyone. And even when he stops lying, he doesn't really give anybody what they asked for. And then he leaves! Never to return! Ugh. And this is our title character.
2. What is with Glinda? Glinda knows the whole time exactly what Dorothy needs to do to get home, does she mention that? No. She has to risk Dorothy's life, and really the fate of all of Oz, just so Dorothy can learn a weird lesson about herself. Thanks, Glinda. Appreciate that.
3. I'm sorry, nobody is willing to risk their life for their dog. I mean, I have a dog. And I love her dearly. But if a witch was trying to kill me, I wouldn't sacrifice myself for my dog.
4. Dorothy. Dorothy is just obnoxious. "Whoops! I just killed someone! Oh well! Oh yeah, can I have her broom? 'Cause I kinda need that... but it was totally an accident that I killed her..."
5. I feel like the witch shouldn't leave buckets of water lying around her castle in random places given her condition.
6. ...Which begs another question... how does the witch shower?
7. "There's no such thing as spooks," says the TALKING SCARECROW to the TALKING LION and the MAN MADE OUT OF METAL. True dat. Spooks are totally irrational.
8. Ruby slippers? Highly impractical.
9. What is the deal with the shoes? Why does no one bother to explain this? I feel like this once again goes back to Glinda. "Oh yeah, Dorothy, by the way, don't give her the shoes. She'll probably try to kill you for them, but don't give them to her." If I were Dorothy, I definitely would have just given the witch the shoes. Unless, of course, I had been informed by someone in the know that they were my only way home. But, of course, NOBODY DID THAT.
10. It has the greatest cop-out ending of all cop-out endings. Dream endings say "We didn't want to figure out what actually happened so we just had them wake up." I mean, the whole "no place like home" thing would have won something if she'd, ya know, actually left.
... But I must confess. I love this movie. So much.
It's because it's all a dream. That's why there's plot-holes. Do my dreams make any sense? No, no they don't.
ReplyDeleteBut that's the biggest cop-out in the world! See point 10! :)