Hemhemhem... What I did on my Christmas Vacation. By Melissa.
Christmas morning came all too fast. It never quite felt like Christmas this year... maybe it was the, um, LACK OF SNOW. But anyway, we woke up before it was really even light outside to (what else?) open Christmas presents. Before the morning was out, I had acquired an "I Heart the Beatles" shirt, an "I Heart Woody" shirt, a giant book of Charlie Brown comics, The Phantom of the Opera (see here), The Muppet Movie, and Season 3 of That Girl, among several other awesome things. Oh, and these!!
Yup. Neon rainbow Converse knee socks. You're jealous of these babies.
However, such joy was short-lived. Because even donning my fantastic Cowboy Woody shirt and my knee socks, I had to face, on CHRISTMAS DAY, the horror of all horrors: an AIRPLANE.
Something you should know about me is that I don't like airplanes. Not even a little bit. My dad is so funny. He thinks that after flying all the way to Africa on them, it shouldn't bother me anymore. That I should suddenly LIKE the things or something ridiculous like that. No, Father, no. If anything, close to 24 hours of plane flight only solidifies your hatred for them. Airplanes smell funny. They make me nauseous. And they induce an incredible amount of boredom. I hate planes.
However, there was free wifi on the plane. And that made it much better.
At long last (well, it was a much shorter last because of the wifi), we made it to our final destination. Georgia. Where it was snowing. Go figure! I live in a very, very snowy place, and there'd been, like, two snowfalls all season. And we get to Hotlanta, of all places, and it's snowing on Christmas Day for the first time since 1882.
Life is weird.
The next few days, however fun they were, are not quite blogworthy. However, there was one day that stood out among the rest: Georgia Aquarium/ World of Coca-Cola day.
Something else you should know about me is I'm kind of in love with aquariums. Aquatic life is just absolutely beautiful in such a unique way. God's creativity and artistry comes out so clearly in the ocean. I could grow gills and live in the ocean quite happily. So, aquariums... aquariums rock. And the Georgia Aquarium is the largest aquarium in the world.
I brought you pictures, blog friends!
This is a crab. Just a crab. I just think they're funky-lookin'.
I like starfish. Starfish are pretty.
See what I mean? God is so incredibly creative.
These are beluga whales. They are so. Ridiculously. Beautiful.
Sorry, it's incredibly hard to take good pictures in an aquarium. But this is the biggest tank in the biggest aquarium in the world. That thing in the middle is a whale shark. I do believe it is the biggest fish there is. And there are THREE OF THEM. The viewing window is about as big as a movie theater screen and I could sit there staring at it for the rest of my life. (It's a lot more awesome than my pictures.)
See? That thing is HUGE!!
Well, I could spend the whole post on the aquarium, but you gotta hear about the Coke Museum too.
Yet another thing you should know about me is that last year, one of my New Years' resolutions was not to drink pop for an entire year. Keep that in mind.
I don't know if you know it, but Coca-Cola was invented in Georgia. It was originally medicine. So now the museum is (conveniently) right across the street from the aquarium, and less than a mile away from the place where Coke was first sold. Tidbit of trivia for you. :)
The entrance room was full of a bunch of Coke memorabilia. But the light was bad. So here's one picture from there.
This is us and the Coke polar bear. Like THE Coke polar bear. Think he's just another guy in a costume? Think again. He BLINKED.
Vending machines through the years...
Hello, Charlie Brown. I was quite happy to find you amongst the Coke memorabilia. :)
Modern art a la Coke.
This is the American Idol couch. Carrie Underwood once sat exactly where I'm sitting in this picture. Geek out!!! :)
I don't have any pictures of the last room. The last room was the tasting room. Over forty different Coke products to try.
Dear Readers, I caved. A week away from accomplishing my goal, I caved. I now know that pop is REALLY gross after you haven't had it for nearly a year. The carbonation burns your throat and it just makes you feel all around icky. Goodbye, pop. (I don't, however, regret my delicious complimentary Coke in a glass bottle that they gave me before I left. Nothing quite beats Coke in a glass bottle.)
The last stop on our adventure? Centennial Olympic Park. Before the 1996 Olympics the city raised a bunch of money by selling customized bricks to pave the park with. So my grandma and grandpa got me one when I was two. :)
This is me with my brick at age 4 or so....
And this is me with my brick now. I used to be so cute! What happened! ;)

Well... yup. That was my Christmas vacation. An adventure indeed. :)
Haha you're still cute Miss Lissa!!