Words can't express to you how incredibly weird this is to me. I'm the "perfect attendance" kid. I haven't missed a day in three years, and before that I hadn't missed in about four (excluding my trip to Africa). So this is a little weird.
Yesterday I bent over to do something and my back started hurting. Like, really bad. So bad I ended up coming home from the library EARLY! (To fully realize what a travesty this is, see here.) I have no clue what I did... it's not like I'm overly athletic or anything like that. But whatever I did, it hurts ridiculously bad to move from about my lower back down or put much weight at all on my right leg. (Seriously. I couldn't put on my own socks this morning.) So I went to school for the first four classes (because I really can't afford to miss either of my AP classes) and then came home. I've done all my homework. I'm not going to the chiropractor for another couple hours. (I'm kinda scared of the chiropractor. It sounds scary. I've been assured, however, that she's not going to stick me with needles, so hopefully I'll survive.) I'm supposed to be off my back, which means sitting or laying down.
So I'll blog. Hi friends. :)
1. Another snippet of Dad's John study: the best translation of John 14:2 is "In my Father's house are many rooms," not "many mansions." It's all one house! And it's GOD'S HOUSE! God's like, "Hey, come stay with Me. In My house." DUDE!!! That's exciting.
2. I had a cool idea last night. I'm going to start writing a Bible verse on my hand every week about something that I need to work on. In Sharpie. This is this week's:

"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
My prayer life has gotten a lot better, but I still need to step it up. I tend to pray every night and then whenever I need something, but I almost never pray any other time. I love how the "pray" part of this verse is sandwiched in between "rejoice" and "give thanks." So this will remind me to pray for the good things!
The idea is it won't come off until the latter part of the week, and by the time it starts wearing off whatever it is I'm working on will be more instinctive and I won't need the reminder so much. And the next week I move to something else! So... yeah!
1. Take a real good look at this, America...

Because this is your Melissa for the NEXT THIRTY-ONE DAYS!! Yeeehhsss, it's that time of year again, ladies and gentlemen! NO! MAKEUP! MARCH!
Ok, it's not as exciting as I'm making it sound. It's actually a little exasperating at times. But you know what? I'm beautiful. (gasp.) Without makeup. (Double gasp.) Whether you think so or not! Hahaha! I WIN, America!
So yeah. No makeup. I'll probably talk more about that later.
2. I have an article due tomorrow for Come Fill Your Cup... and I think I'm gonna do it on No Makeup March. Yup. One track mind.
3. My back. That's eventful. But I already talked about that.
4. Saturday I had a mommy daughter day with my momma. I love her. :)
I wish I could relate to you just how fun it is to hang out with my mom. She's one of my best friends. She's just one of those people where there's no awkward silences. You're always talking, and any silences are comfortable silences. You know, a best friend. :)
... So it's obviously not about what we bought. But we bought some cool stuff. And that's much easier to blog about with clarity.
This is my charm bracelet:

I've had it since about June (my dear friend Bri gave it to me) and we've been adding charms since. My mom has one too, so it's kind of our "thing."
From left to right:
-A laptop, because I write and blog profusely
-a "Sisters" bead from Bri. :)
-A piece of sweet potato pie, because my mom calls me Sweet Potato. (Yes, Mom, I did just broadcast that to the world. Never say I don't love you.)
-A pretty bead I just liked because it looked like a crown (new Saturday)
-A music note, because I'm ADDICTED to my music (the little heart says "Music fills my heart") (also new Saturday)
-A "Friends" bead, also from Bri
-And an "m". For obvious reasons. (Also new Saturday).
Yeah. I'm a fan of my charm bracelet. :)
We also went to Panera (awweessoommeee!) and Borders (which is CLOSING!!) and Penney's, where I got a really cute outfit. But I'm not currently wearing it, and I'm too lazy-I-mean-in-pain to get up and change that. So no picture on this one.
5. I love my friends. I have the best friends ever. Sometimes I need a reality check to really realize just how blessed I am, and my latest reality check told me that my friends are awesome. So I love you all. :)
Okay. Bear with me here.
I don't believe in aliens. That is to say, I don't believe in intelligent life forms on other planets. If there were life forms on other planets, Jesus would have had to come to die for them all on every planet, and we know He didn't do that.
I think unintelligent life forms are completely plausible.
By unintelligent life, I mean animals. But space animals. I mean, really! There could be space monsters running around in space and we just haven't found any yet. Still don't think we should be putting even CLOSE to as much tax money as we are into "extraterrestrial research", but I kind of really hope we find space beasts.
Sigh. This is what happens when I watch Star Trek.
The Oscars give me much more hope for the artistic taste of our culture than the Grammies do. That being said... I still don't have that much hope. In what world is a flick about a psycho-schizophrenic ballerina going up against a John Wayne remake for Best Picture? Sigh. (Note: The only best picture nominee I've actually seen was Toy Story 3. But the mere fact that Toy Story 3 was up for Best Picture brings me hope.)
I didn't actually watch the Grammies, and I didn't see really any of the movies, so I don't actually have much more to say on the matter. Toy Story won Best Animated Picture and Best Original Song (for a great song... Randy Newman just can't really go wrong on Toy Story songs). Alice in Wonderland won Best Costumes (for good reason... the costuming was incredible.) I know Inception didn't get much acclaim, which surprises me seeing how many people raved about it. (I wouldn't know, as I still haven't seen it... someone's supposed to lend it to me soon.) But honestly, if we're gonna be real...
This whole section was just an excuse to show you this video.
Ahahahaha! I haven't even seen Inception and that's hilarious. I like how Ken looks just a little bit like Leonardo DiCaprio. Enough that it intensely amuses me. They've got the same hair.
Oh goodness! This may be even better...
Bahahahaha. Oh dear. I need to get off YouTube. Anyways..
I'm trying out for the Jeopardy Teen Tournament tomorrow. It's an online test. Cross your fingers for me! I tried out last year and didn't make it... which is obnoxious, because the show is SO STINKIN' EASY. I could dominate. Provided I passed the personality test, which is iffy. (Yeah, they make you take a personality test. If you're not likeable enough you don't get on Jeopardy. How stupid.) But yeah. Think of me tomorrow at seven!
That's really all I have, lovelies. Thanks for keeping me entertained for a while. Now off to the chiropractor... Sigh. Much love.
Author's note: The chiropractor helped a TON. I feel much, much better. I'm sure the prayers helped more than the chiropractor did! :)