I want to keep them focused, I really do. And I try. But by the time I end up actually blogging, I discover that there's way too many things for me to blog about. I could easily separate all the topics I'm going to write about into their own posts, and I realize that this post would be much more dynamic if I would take the time to separate them out, but honestly, I'm either too lazy or too eager to talk about things to do that. So I won't. So here you go. My life.
This is a beautiful place.

This is beautiful music.
(I may have changed my mind. I think Scott might be my favorite.)
(I'm sorry for posting this song incessantly, I really am. But it might be my favorite song ever. Listen to their beautiful voices. Aaahhh. Goosebumps.)
This is a beautiful girl. Kind of.

(Except she has a beautiful zit on her face because it's No Makeup March. Oh joy.)
And this is the beautiful girl with her beautiful tickets to that beautiful place to hear that beautiful music LIVE.

What did I tell you? Quote: "I need an Avett concert. If they come to Denver, I will explode. And then put all my pieces back together and get myself to that concert." (See here.) What did I tell you, Bloggerverse? I win. (And my daddy wins even more for agreeing to go with me.)
Never mind. Quote from my daddy not two seconds ago on the phone with my uncle: "I think they're the Avett (pronounces it wrong) Brothers? I don't know, I think they're the Jonas Brothers and they just grew beards. Faking everybody else.)
You don't win anymore, Daddy. But we're going to fix that.
I'll leave you with that for now, for I'm sure you're gonna get an EARFUL about it between now and July.
Completely switching gears... it's Pi Day. Ahahaha!
Therefore I feel obligated to be nerdy.
Earlier I brought you the geekiest love poem I have ever read. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the NERDIEST love poem I have ever read.
by Unknown
Like two foci of an elliptical
Your eyes entice me
Cause my cardiac muscles
To palpitate
As I estimate the distance
Between us
I’ve arrived
At the conclusion
That you’re sitting
Approximately 5 feet and 23 centimeters
Away from me
7 and one half millimeters closer
Than yesterday
As you sit there
And I calculate your potential energy
I find myself wishing
That I could change
Y= mx + b
Into y = Unext2me
You are my complementary angle
I long to whisper
That Newton’s laws
Were created just for you
Of course that’s not true
But logic doesn’t matter anymore
Because my feelings for you are growing exponentially
Like radiation, you penetrate through my skin
You watched my veins branch like fractals
While I reached for the pencil that you dropped
You listened to the logarithm my heart produced
At a near inaudible frequency
As I returned the pencil
To it’s rightful owner
Like absolute zero
All molecules within me halted
In that moment
Your centripetal force sent me spinning
And though they say opposites attract
You didn’t even utter a thank you
It figures
Seeing as the probability of you noticing me
Is exactly .41 in 10,731
But I long
To cosine my name on a love note
Addressed to you
You are the Pascal behind my triangle
And you can count on the fact
that I’ll calc-u-later
You can tell a real nerd wrote this because he said centripetal force instead of centrifugal force. Because centrifugal force does not exist, despite the fact that I did my science fair project on it in fourth grade. My childhood was a lie. But that's not important right now.
In other news...
I'm writing my term paper on how TV and movies reflected the digression in morality in the late 1960s. It's purty sweet. I might actually post it at some point. Probably not though. That would be nerdy even for me. It's due on Monday. Cross your fingers for me.
Small joys:
-I got to go on a walk the other day. There's nothing better than wandering around aimlessly and listening to music. Except for maybe laying under the tree in my front yard and listening to music. That's utter contentment right there. I ate my Milky Way Midnight on my walk... which, now that I think of it, kinda defeats the purpose of the exercise, but oh well.
-We watched the Dick Van Dyke Show in Acting today. We listened to Abbott and Costello's "Who's On First?" as well. Old-fashioned comedy for the win!
-Daylight Savings Time has started. I LOVE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. Granted, I lost an hour of sleep, which kind of stinks. But there's something magical to me about the sun just skimming the mountains right after church services on Sunday nights. That's the first time that summer's coming.
-I GET TO GIVE BLOOD ON THURSDAY. I LOVE giving blood. However, the drive is at school, so my mom isn't coming with me this time around. Alas! We shall suck her blood another time.
-My mom made strawberries and pound cake for dessert the other night, and we shall have it leftover for quite sometime. Joy.
Alright. I do believe I am currently done rambling. Thanks for listening, Bloggers. Much love.
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