Saturday, March 26, 2011

Scratching the Itch

I hate this feeling. The "I want to write something but I don't have a clue what to write about" feeling. I don't know if you understand it if you're not a writer, but it's terrible. There's this feeling that wells up inside you so you feel like you're about to burst if you don't just get words out on paper.

That's my fancy way of saying that this is going to be another annoying list post.

1. Go read this article I wrote. I don't really know how to explain it, so you should just go read it. It's really cool, I promise. :)
2. Galatians 3:27-- "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." The metaphors in the Bible never cease to amaze me. One: you can't get much closer than your clothes! Two: if you're not wearing clothes, you're naked and you're vulnerable. Clothing ourselves with Christ gives us protection and means we're as close to Christ as we can be. :)
3. On a slightly different note, a God-related rant:
I'm kind of sick of the way the youth in the church are treated; not that we're treated unkindly or anything, but adults act like we can't handle anything deep. Last week I went to a youth rally, and out of the three speakers, there was ONE that I felt like taught me anything new. The other two were about how if we rely on God, He'll help us through life, and how great Heaven is going to be.
For real, though, tell me something new! Tell me HOW to rely on God!! Dig into the text! We can handle it! \
Even today, I went to the Rocky Mountain Women's Renewal. I felt like we dug in a LOT more, which was awesome, but I think people
assume that if they're talking to teenagers they have to talk about sex and alcohol. Because that's apparently all we struggle with. Honestly, today, we're the girls who got up early on a Saturday morning to come to a church function. Do they really think we're the ones sleeping around and drinking? I mean, come on! It's beginning to seem like being a teenager in the church is all about what NOT to do rather than what to do. And I think that's why we lose so many teenagers in the church. We end up kind of "accidentally" spreading the idea that as long as we're being "good people" we're doing pretty good. Because we're just teenagers. We're not capable of doing anything deeper than being "good."
That being said, youth group classes and devos at my own congregation have been awesome lately. There are several activities I've been to that are an exception to this. Not all teen functions treat us like we're dummies. But... some of them do. And that's my rant. *steps off soapbox*

1. Turned in my term paper on Tuesday! Woot woot! I was going to post it here, because I think it's really good... but then I realized that's like screaming, "Hey! Free term paper!" to the world. So I actually don't think I will. Bummer.
2. On Wednesday something possessed me to alphabetize every movie we own. I was so proud of myself until I found Big Fish upstairs a day later.
3. Played Improv games in Acting class... I'm bad at it.
4. Brainstormed ideas for a school literary magazine with my friends Jenna, Dani, Jacquie, and Calais!! We're going to call it "Interrobang" (which means "!?") and we're going to have poems, and short stories, and articles, and art, and photographs, and it's going to be so awesome!! I'm probably going to get a blog up sometime in the near future as well. Cross your fingers that administration approves!
5. Learned about JFK in history... my teacher went off on conspiracy theorists. Apparently there are people who don't think Oswald actually
shot him. My history teacher thinks they're idiots. It was pretty funny.
6. FINALLY GOT ON SPRING BREAK!! Party on, peeps.
7. My mom found "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" at Sam's Club. You know, the clay-animation Easter special. One, I discovered that Peter is voiced by Casey Kasem (aka Shaggy from Scooby-Doo), and two, I realized Danny Kaye is the
narrator. (Random fact about me: I love old Danny Kaye movies. The Court Jester is hilarious. "The vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison... but the chalice from the palace holds the brew that is true." Hehe.)
8. Like I said, I attended the Rocky Mountain Women's Renewal today... pretty awesome! Hannah Colley spoke to the teens and I appreciated her bluntness. :)
9. I CLEANED MY ROOM! I have a floor! Who knew? (Yes, it really was that bad. I'm not kidding.)
9. As I'm writing this I'm watching a thing on the History Channel analyzing Star Wars... It's intriguing. Almost every hero story is the same, did you know? Compare them in your head sometime.
10. OH! I had to change my blog layout because my old background decided to stop working. On the downside... I really liked that
background. On the other... I found this awesome font for the titles! It makes me want to write a post simply to see something in that pretty font.
11. Lost my besties Holly and Aimee to SYD tour... Miss you guys! Come back to me soon!

1. SLEEEEEEP! A lot. I like to sleep.
2. I'm having two of my besties over for a sleepover tomorrow... we're gonna watch movies and eat ice cream and then go modest dress shopping for prom alternative! (Which is NOT prom by the way... In case you didn't know. Our youth group is doing an alternative where we all go someplace nice to eat and dress up nice and stuff. Yay! No dancing. I'm a good girl. No drama either--I'm going stag. But I still want a pretty dress.)
3. Mom and I are having our friend Sheryl over to watch chick flicks! Yay!
4. A bunch of us are throwing around the idea of going to the zoo sometime? I don't know, but I hope we get to know. I like the zoo.
5. I'm going to watch movies. Specifically Tuck Everlasting and Peter Pan (the Universal version, not the Disney one.) And probably a few more.

Alright, Bloggerverse. I'm tired, and I have scratched my writing itch. Much love.


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